Our Vision

At LIAM Global we believe that love looks like something. To someone who is hungry, it looks like food. To someone who is sleeping on the ground, it looks like a bed. Love is kind, tangible, and transforms everything.

We seek to love people from a place of dependency and Oneness with Jesus Christ. “We love because He first loved us.” It is our desire to walk intentionally and continuously in God’s Presence. We invite Him to always dwell in our midst. We want to immerse ourselves in God’s perspective, heart and dimension; that we might host the fullness of His heart on this earth.

We’ve committed ourselves to following Jesus, and reflecting His kindness and humility in serving the poor and broken. We desire to return the Father’s value to every heart placed in our care. We commit to tenderly and faithfully raising up sons and daughters of the Kingdom.

The LIAM Global Team

Our Team

  • Jem Ooi, Co-Founder

    Jem is from Singapore, and has served in full-time missions since 2012. She is an alumna of both YWAM and Iris Global’s missions school.

    “I dreamed about refugees since the age of 14, but had not seriously considered serving them as a focus until God encountered me: I was reading a book where the author visits a refugee camp, and hears God asking “Doesn’t anybody care?” I suddenly broke down and wept uncontrollably. Something deep within me was welling up, I was so overcome. I knew that God was encountering me, and I felt His heart breaking for the suffering. I was so deeply moved for the people and felt so intimate with God at the same time. I could sense the weight of His presence. LIAM Global was birthed out of this … a deep desire to reflect God’s heart to the poor, destitute, and forgotten.”

  • Liz Lampen, Co-Founder

    Liz is from Kalamazoo, MI. She received her BA from Moody Bible Institute and trained under Africa Inland Mission in Tanzania and Iris Global in Mozambique.

    “When I visited DR Congo for the first time, I was no stranger to Africa. I’d been traveling to the continent since I was 18. But the extent of suffering and violence in the DRC shocked me. Listening to children’s stories of witnessing their entire families killed was heart-wrenching. In those moments of sitting with people in their pain, I began to catch God’s heart: His tender obsession for the poor & oppressed. In the months that followed, I sought the Lord and said, ‘Here I am, send me!’ I wanted to devote my life to help people emerging from the shadows of war to experience the kindness of God.”

  • Jackie & James N.

    Country Leaders

  • Claver C.

    Project Manager

  • Isaac W.

    Country Leader

  • Paul M.

    Country Leader

  • John & Bridget M.

    Country Leaders